Thinly scattered throughout Switzerland, more common as a passage migrant. Easily overlooked but listen out for their di-syllabic call “ke-leer”.
All in Accipitriformes
Thinly scattered throughout Switzerland, more common as a passage migrant. Easily overlooked but listen out for their di-syllabic call “ke-leer”.
A summer visitor to the lowlands of Switzerland, seen around farmland, lake edges where it can catch insects and small animals but also where it can scavenge. They make a distinctive winnowing call, take a look at the spectrogram to see the tremolo in their voice.
Both a resident and summer visitor to Switzerland, reaching high densities in Central regions. Frequents farmland and small villages. Numbers have increased dramatically in the past 20 years. The call is a very human-sounding long whistle followed by modulations:
Found across Europe. Hunts small birds which it catches on the wing in woodlands and gardens. Is mostly silent but does have a distinctive voice when it does call, it sounds rather worried to my ears.
Found throughout Switzerland, a common bird of prey on the plains and in the mountains. It has a far-carrying plaintive cry, often heard whilst soaring.
The most commonly seen falcon in our region. Distinctive hovering technique whilst hunting gives immediate identification, but also has a far-carrying “ki-ki-ki” call.