BUNTINGS (Emberizidae) —


YELLOWHAMMER (Emberiza citrinella) - Bruant jaune

A bird of the forest edge and scrub adjacent to agriculture. The male takes on a brilliant yellow head and breast during the breeding season, the female is more of a yellowish-brown colour, quite streaked all over.

Yellowhammer song
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CIRL BUNTING (Emberiza cirlus) - Bruant zizi

A bird of sunny slopes mostly below 600m, frequently around vineyards, but of scattered distribution in Switzerland. Frequently sings within cover but can be picked out by a rather “dry” rattling song:

Cirl Bunting
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REED BUNTING (Emberiza schoeniclus) -Bruant des roseaux

As the name suggests found in reed beds and rough marshy ground. Not startling to look at it has a pleasant tinkling song which can be very variable:

Reed Bunting
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CORN BUNTING (Emberiza calandra) -Bruant proyer

A bird of areas with long grass, especially near agricultural land, rather less common in Switzerland than in other countries. It has a rapid tinkling song:

Corn Bunting
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